Thursday, April 12, 2018

beach group

Struggled with this one in the studio.  16 x 20 oil on canvas.  Hard to make the people not compete with each other.  Putting it away for now


  1. I love it. I am curious to see what "you" think would make it better. I so wish I had the physical ability to travel to your workshops. You have so many skills that I admire, in both pastels and oils. Your post's teach me something every time! Charlene

  2. I know what you mean, I struggle with that too. Still your figures look great- I will learn something when I study your solution, thanks!

  3. I see an outstanding painting Aline. Your figure work is wonderful... IF you change it at any point, I hope you repost it....

    1. Thank you Hilda...If I do I would repost for sure
