Friday, July 20, 2012

Go to the end of one of the island roads and you are greeted by this house nestled among pines with a grass and gravel path leading to it. I loved the light. 12 x 16 oil on canvas, "End of the Road, Maine"


  1. Aline, you make me want to be with you in Maine! These last 3 paintings are so special. This one of the houses 'hidden' from the outside world is magical. I love the blue ground & the earth-tone sky. This switch is what captures the light you talk about. How do you know these things? Is it all intuitive now? Whatever it is, it surely works.

    I love the flowers, too-they snag you & pull you to the white house. Then you circle around with the blues to the back house, then take a rest at the purple-misted tree. The blues start to glide you off the canvas but...ha! Snagged on the flowers again! So back you go, over & over, enjoying this painting. You really have this down, Aline.

    The small skinny painting of the people sailing is just remarkable! Only you could put 4 humans, a bow sprit, a jib & a mainsail, & blue water all in a 4x8" canvas & make it work easily! Your placement of people & stuff is perfect. I love the angled human in front against the straight lines of the rigging.And the sailors' clothes give you the spots to place glorious complement colors. You make me want to put people (& animals) in my paintings! (A horse behind the sailors, maybe? NO legs involved, right?)

    The first shall be last: the 'rocks of Maine' are beautiful. I really like the hues of the colors you used. Some POP, some are restful, all are expressive. Lately, I've used lots of 'green blue' for ocean water & it looks very realistic while being wildly colorful. The ochres (?)you have on the sunny rocks are great against the blues & violets of water & shadows.
    Again, I want to be there, in Maine, with YOU. You find the best spots, plus you're fun. I can tell! L&K, MaryB

  2. A beautiful scene, Aline. I love the light and those beautiful colorful flowers are gorgeous ...Excellent painting!!

  3. Thank you to both of you! You make my head spin.
    The flowers were a contrivance...a way to put some spots of color. In truth, I don't think this house is occupied.
    I enjoy seeing your work Hilda. I would love to see yours, Mary.
    Again, thank you
