Saturday, December 11, 2010

Autumn Light

I am always attracted to light, and the light in Autumn can be magical. Driving home from Peacham one day I was stopped by the beauty of this scene. I thought it would work out best as a pastel in order to get the different textures that one can achieve with the strokes of pastels.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Sometimes, I just want to paint cherries.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Outlook Oil Demonstration

I was drawn to the yellow field in Peacham which overlooked the hills in the distance. But, I thought for a painting, it would be nice to add some cows both for hits of color and to highlight the overlook. Having had training in illustration, I often combine more than one image to create my painting. The other interesting thing that happened is that because I photographed stages of the painting, I realized at one point that I had gone too far with detail because the image before was better. So, I wiped away at much of the foreground in order to once again bring focus to my hero...the cows.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

One of my first beach paintings. I am drawn to the light and how it shimmers around people on a sunny beach day. These people were packing up at Stinson Beach on a rare sunny day there.

Monday, December 6, 2010

September 14 to 23, 2011 (includes traveling days)

Join award winning artist Aline Ordman for a fabulous week of painting, eating and enjoying the beauty of the Tuscan landscape. We will be staying at the beautiful villa community of Quercia Al Poggio

$1800 including instruction, lodging and most meals.

For more information, email"

Copper Pot Demo

My students wanted me to do a demonstration of a copper pot. I had an 18 x 18 inch canvas and realized that in order to get the demo done in a reasonable amount of time...say around one hour....I need to work fast and loose. The result was once again reinforcing the concept of painting shapes with regard to value, intensity and hue rather than "thinking copper pot"